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1. Identity and address of the data management officer.

Based on articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, we inform you that R&D Lubricants, S.A. de C.V., with address in Camino a Tecualtitán, km. 1.1, Colonia Casa Blanca, in Poncitlán, Jalisco, with zip code 45976, in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, and website, is responsible for collecting your personal data, for the use that be given to them and their protection.

You can contact us at the same address or email: .

2. Personal data that will be collected.

For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. may collect your personal data when you directly provide the information, when you visit the websites of R&D Lubricants, S.A. of C.V., when you use the services offered by R&D online and when we obtain information through means other than those indicated above and which are permitted by applicable laws.

The personal data obtained by the means indicated above are:

A. Identification data:

  • Name and surname
  • Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC)
  • Home
  • Personal phone
  • Cell phone
  • Work phone
  • Firm
  • Email
  • Position or position held
  • Work address
  • Institutional email
  • Institutional telephone
  • Labor references
  • • Contact information

B. Financial data:

  • Cardholder name
  • Credit card number
  • Expiration date (in case of online transactions).

C. Billing Information

  • Name or Social reason
  • RFC
  • Tax residence

3. Signaling of sensitive data that is collected.

R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. does not collect sensitive data from its customers and employees.

4. The purposes that will be given to the data.

A. Purposes that give rise to the legal relationship and are necessary for the provision of the service. The information provided by the Holder of the information will be used by R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V.:

  • To contact the Information Holder, when necessary.
  • To provide the service or comply with the obligations arising from the contractual and / or commercial relationship of the company.
  • To offer you a better service, sending products, services and contents.
  • To identify you in any legal, labor or business relationship with the company.
  • To inform you of changes in products and services.
  • To evaluate the quality of service of the product we offer.

B. Purposes that do not give rise to the legal relationship or are necessary for the provision of service. R&D can use the information:

  • To offer promotions, products, special services and newsletters.
  • To conduct surveys.

5. Mechanisms for the holder to express their refusal to process unnecessary data.

R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. does not collect or use data that is not necessary for the commercial operations it performs with its customers and employees.

6. Transfers to third parties that are made of the data.

R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. does not transfer data to other companies or institutions.

7. The acceptance or not of the transfer.

Whereas R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. does not make data transfers to other companies or institutions, it is not necessary to accept data transfers by the owner of the information.

8. Procedure to exercise ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition).

To exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (“ARCO Rights”) on your personal data, as well as to oppose the processing of them or revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose, you can do so through The procedures implemented. To know these procedures, the requirements and deadlines, you can contact our Commercial Management, through the email account

9. Procedures to revoke consent.

At any time you can express the revocation of the consent you have given us to the processing of your personal data, by means of a request that must be submitted in writing to the email:

10. Control and security of personal information:

A. R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. undertakes to take the necessary measures to protect the information collected, using security technologies and control procedures in the access, use or disclosure of your personal information without authorization.

B. However, no security or data transmission system over which the company does not have absolute control and / or is dependent on the internet can guarantee that it is completely secure.

C. In case of any disagreement or complaint about the processing of your personal data, you can contact the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection..

11. Options to limit the use of personal data.

In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, you can send an email to with the explicit declaration of non-disclosure of personal data.

12. Information on the use of mechanisms in remote media that collect data automatically.

We inform you that on our website we use cookies, web beacons or other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an internet user, as well as provide you with a better service and experience when browsing our page.

13. Modifications to the privacy notice.

R&D Lubricants, S.A. from C.V. reserves the right to make changes to these privacy policies at any time and adapt them to legislative, jurisprudential developments; Such modifications will be communicated through the website It will be understood that the Holder of the personal data has granted his consent if You do not express your opposition so that your personal data is treated when you present this Privacy Notice.

Date of last update: March 06, 2020